Coptic Orthodox Church in Canada

This article is about Coptic Orthodoxy in Canada. For a list of Coptic parishes in Canada, see the list of Coptic Orthodox Churches in Canada.
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The immigration of the Copts to Canada might have started as early as the late 1950s. Starting in the 1970s, Canada has been receiving a greater number of these immigrants, and the number of Coptic immigrants into Canada has been growing ever since. According to the census, there were over 10,000 Orthodox Copts in Canada by the year of 2001 — an increase from only 5,000 in 1991. [1] [2] Currently, there are over 50,000 Coptic Orthodox Christians throughout Canada, primarily in Ontario and Quebec. [3]

The story of the first Coptic Orthodox Church established in North America, St. Mark's in Toronto Ontario, Canada, can be found here. Now, there are more than 40 permanent priests, serving over 40 Coptic Orthodox Churches in Canada. [4]

See also


  1. ^ Census 1991 — 2001/Growth rates
  2. ^ Christian religious data from Canada
  3. ^ Canada Free Press: According to the Canadian Coptic Association, there are approximately 50,000 Orthodox Copts in Canada.
  4. ^ Coptic Orthodox Church listings & statistics

External links